Ali Mustafa

Ali is a VR enthusiast that firmly believes that VR is the future. He has enjoyed exploring his favorite games with new VR support, and equally, he has loved playing VR specific titles that have pushed the medium forward. His favorite of these being the incredible Half Life: Alyx. When not strapped to a VR Headset, Ali also loves playing GTA, or grinding away to help his team in a MOBA title!

Thrustmaster T16000m Guide – Is It Worth Your Money?

Gaming with controllers and joysticks is way more immersive and fun than gaming on a keyboard. While a keyboard and mouse combo might be great for playing online shooters and shooting with precision in games without aim-assist, some games are made to be played with specific controllers and joysticks. For example, playing Forza Horizon 5

Thrustmaster T16000m Guide – Is It Worth Your Money? Read More »

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